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A Brief History of Colby College

Jeremiah Chaplin, Waterville Literary and Theological Institution, ca. 1840

Jeremiah Chaplin, Waterville Literary and Theological Institution, ca. 1840

Item 12580 info
Colby College Special Collections

Jeremiah Chaplin was the first president of the college. Chaplin was chosen as Professor of Divinity by the Board of Waterville College in early 1818.

In June the Chaplins and their children took the sloop "Hero" from Boston to Augusta and traveled up the Kennebec River to Waterville by longboat.

Mrs. Chaplin described the journey and reception in a famous journal entry written as a letter to a friend. She wrote,"It is to me a consolation that I have every reason to believe that to do good is the greatest of the objects Mr. Chaplin has in view in moving to Waterville. What the event will be we know not, but a reflection that the desire to be useful governed our conduct will support us amidst unkind reflections or adverse scenes."

Chaplin assumed presidency of the college in 1822 and served until 1833. He returned to the pastorate and died in 1841.

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